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Haydn Zug’s Gift Certificate Kiosk
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The Client
Haydn Zug’s, located in Historic Lancaster County Pennsylvania, offers fine dining in a colonial atmosphere. A member of the prestigious Dirona Association of fine dining establishments, Haydn Zug’s has been offering fine dining since 1969. Today, the restaurant boasts an award-winning wine cellar that has been memorialized in Wine Spectator magazine.
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The Problem
Despite being a well-known name among fine dining establishments in the area, Haydn Zug’s was faced with a dilemma: how to attract patrons wishing to obtain gift certificates without having to have them come to the rural establishments. Previous attempts to sell certificates at a local shopping mall were successful, however, were limited to the holiday season due to the high labor costs associated with an attended kiosk. How could the current owners capitalize on the concept year-round without eliminating the upside of the increase in traffic to the restaurant with the high cost of labor at an attended kiosk when traffic might not support it?
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The Solution
Upon reading of the success of Livewire in the ski lift ticket arena current owner Terry Lee approached the York, PA based company with an idea. If Livewire could sell a lift ticket from a self-service kiosk, they could also sell a gift certificate. Livewire, recently awarded “Best Retail Kiosk Application” by several industry associations, was up for the challenge.
Utilizing their existing ticketing kiosk software and remote management system, Livewire developed the kiosk application using a local display manufacturer to integrate a custom kiosk cabinet into the kiosk cart. What was created was a customized gift card kiosk solution that not only achieved the goal technically; it was also attractive to the consumer and coincided with the restaurant’s brand image of a colonial building.
After installation in early November, the gift certificate kiosk produced a large jump in gift certificate sales for the holiday sales period. Livewire’s real-time monitoring system has allowed restaurant management to track sales and manage certificates redeemed. According to the ownership, ROI was achieved in the first 8 weeks of deployment. Other locations, as well as utilization by other fine dining establishments, are now being considered.
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